St. Clare Convent
Co-Presidents Janine Keaton and Ellen Berninger presiding
What do you listen to/watch while you're sewing?
We opened the meeting with a question - what do you like to listen to or watch while you're sewing? The answers were varied! Here's the list:
- Bluegrass music
- Audio books - specifically, the Hannah Swenson Murder Mystery books!
- Movies or shows on Netflix
- British music
- Playlists on Spotify
- Jazz music
- Turner Classic movies
- Podcasts such as "The Longest Shortest Time" and "Modern Sewciety" and "Serial" from NPR, and "This American Life" and "Crafty Planner" and "The Moth"
- Watch reruns of The West Wing
- Nothing - one sewer likes to sew in silence and be with her thoughts
- Foreign movies with subtitles, although they are hard to follow along because you have to read what is on the screen
- Reruns of Law & Order
- Americana music
- Fleetwood Mac
- 80s music
- One member says she matches her music genre to the type of quilt she's making - for example she listened to the Game of Thrones audio-book when she was working on a particularly grueling project.
News & Announcements
The Hamilton County Fair has reached out to our Guild asking if one of us would like to organize the Fair's quilt show. If you are interested contact Ellen.
We are working on organizing a Special Day with quilter Anne Marie Chany of Gen X Quilter. She'll be coming to town to talk about her new book and maybe have a trunk show or sewing demonstration. This will most likely happen this summer.
Charity Quilt Update
Our Modern Quilt Guild challenge quilt hung at Quilt Con and now we have it back. We will be giving it away to someone.
The next Guild challenge is with scale - members signed up to help create and sew this quilt, which will be due next February.
Bee Blocks!
Dorothy's 57 blocks were presented to her.
Abby's orange peel blocks were presented to her.
This month, Christine requested hive members to make "Happy House Blocks" for and Annie requested Wonky Log Cabin blocks.
Show & Tell
Dorothy made this Ohio Star quilt and also incorporated the method of slice and insert AND she hand quilted it and put a sleeve on the back - it's a mash up of recent educational topics!
Michelle made this paper-pieced turtle and turned it into her name badge.
Holly made this pillow for her grandmother to match a quilt she made for her.
Holly also made these Kentucky state shape mini quilts for two friends.
Christine made this quilt with different sized square blocks.
Dana made this Noodlehead caravan tote.
Abby made these features from a free Anna Maria Horner pattern.
Abby also made this Trail tote.
Robin made this Plus quilt at a sewing retreat.
Robin also made this firefly but won't make another one because it took a loooong time!
Improv Challenge Reminder
Don't forget to bring your Improv Challenge piece with you to the May meeting. Read all about the Improv Challenge here.
For education, we split into groups and discussed projects that members were stuck on and gave advice on how to finish the projects.