October 8, 2014
Centennial Barn
Mini Maker Faire: This event went very well with a lot of people stopping by to learn more about the guild. We also got a few new Facebook followers as a result of the event.
National Guild Renewal: The annual renewal for the national Modern Quilt Guild is coming up, so we've cleaned up the e-mail list to reflect paid members only. If you have not received an e-mail regarding the October or November meetings, we do not have you listed as a paid guild member. See Michelle or Christy for more information.
Charity Quilts: So far, the guild has completed eight quilt tops for charity. The guild will be purchasing solid fabric for backs. We have volunteers to quilt some of the tops, including Harriet, Leslie, Christine, and Michelle. All the quilts we have complete by the November meeting will be donated to the Veterans Hospital of Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky. Any quilts finished after the November meeting will be donated to our next charity.
The total number of quilts donated for Project Linus from the Michael Miller fabric challenge was 15! Yay, guild!
November meeting: Lots going on at our next meeting. Here's the rundown:
Traveling quilts: This is the last round for the traveling quilts. Be sure to bring the blocks you have to the November meeting.
Participation prize: We'll be drawing for the next participation prize at the November meeting. Remember, you get participation tickets for attending sew-ins, signing up and bringing snacks, and showing projects at show-and-tell.
Traveling quilts 2: Sign up for the next round of traveling quilts at the November meeting. The next round will begin at the January meeting.
Holiday swap: Sign up at the November meeting for the Annual Holiday Swap. For this swap, you will sign up at the meeting, and at the end of the meeting, you will receive the name of the person for whom you are to bring a handmade gift. All gifts will be swapped at the December meeting.
December potluck: We'll have a potluck dinner at the December guild meeting. Sign-ups for food will take place at the November meeting.
Show and Tell
Amy made this baby quilt for a friend using her favorite backing fabric ever. |
Amy's finished swap quilt (she received all the pieced blocks in various swaps). |
Caroline's first modern-inspired quilt. |
Carrie's finished Charley Harper Swoon quilt. |
Carrie made this crazy quilt block for her contemporary quilt group. |
Carrie made this T-shirt quilt for her grandson using the quilt-as-you-go technique. |
Cass' Charley Harper shirt. |
Cass made this quilt from a patten and ombre fabrics she bought at a One Stop Shop Hop. |
Christine's improv Churn Dash piece. |
Christine's string quilt made from a pattern in the book String Quilt Revival. |
Janine's quilted bag. |
The bag Kathy made at the OH Craft sew-in. She quilted it with organic lines. |
String quilt Michelle made for her daughter using mostly scraps and fabrics Michelle was tired of. |
Pam is making blocks for a black and white Swoon quilt. |
Sandy started this quilt with the idea it would be all circles, but after joining the CMQG she decided to mix it up. |
Sandy was inspired by the new Lucky Spool book to try straight-line quilting with a walking foot, and she loved it! |
Sandy was inspired to make this paper-pieced wall hanging after the education session at August's meeting. |
Sandy made this postage-stamp-inspired quilt to get rid of her fabric scraps. Harriet did the circular quilting. |
Teresa's finished Michael Miller challenge quilt. |
Hexie Challenge
After the education program on hexie's at September's meeting, guild members were given the challenge to make a hexie project to show in October.
Annie made these hexie blocks to cover some stains in a fabric she's using to make a charity quilt. |
Carrie has been working on these mini hexies (1/2-inch each) using Liberty fabrics. |
Harriet made a hexie nametag. |
As did Kathy, who is thankful her name is shorter than Harriet's. |
Ruth made a hexie bracelet. |
Sandy brought this hexie quilt that she made while working nights at a hospital. Harriet did the quilting. |
This month Brooke, our education chairperson, made a quilt-bag Bingo game for us to play. All the terms were things you would find in a quilter's project bag.
Brooke as Bingo caller. |
Bingo shenanigans. |