Friday, October 14, 2016

Holiday Pouch Swap!

At our October Meeting we announced our upcoming Holiday Pouch Swap. Here are the rules! If you have any questions, contact Dana.

Cincinnati Modern Quilt Guild Holiday Pouch Swap!

Sign ups:         Oct 12th In person at CMQG Meeting (will receive swap partner that evening)
On-line sign ups by Wednesday, Oct 19th.

Swap Date:  
Wed, Dec 14th – If you can’t be at the December meeting, please try to have your pouch finished by the November meeting so someone else can bring it for you.
Make a zippered pouch and add goodies or extras with an approximate value of $10 (not including value of pouch). These extra surprises could include cards, candies, scraps, notions, thread, fabrics or other treats. 

Noodlehead open wide pouch is one suggestion, but you can make another pouch if you think your partner would like it. 

Social Media:            
Please keep your swap partner a secret – but do consider posting hints, ideas, progress and questions to Instagram with the hashtag #CMQGpouchswap so that other folks can see what you’re working on! You can also post updates to the facebook page. 

If you want to join the pouch swap, fill out the form below by Wednesday, October 19th!

Sunday, October 9, 2016

September Meeting 2016

September 14, 2016
The Barn in Mariemont
Co-Presidents Janine Keaton and Ellen Berninger presiding

What do you like most about modern quilting?
As our start-of-the-meeting getting to you know exercise, we asked members, what do you like most about modern quilting? Here are some of the answers: 

  • The design freedom
  • The color aspects and use of negative space
  • You don't have to worry so much about matching points!
  • Simple, clean lines
  • Active and supportive community
  • Crisp look 
  • Making something traditional in to something new and fresh
  • Fun and funky quilting
  • Friendship 
Charity Update
Ellen shared the progress on our Guild's entry for the QuiltCon Charity Quilt. 

This is the (gorgeous!!) center of the quilt. 

Patchwork Auditions Workshop Show and Tell
Members of our guild participated in  AnneMarie Chaney's workshop, Patchwork Auditions in August. Here are some of the finished blocks and quilts!

Abby's Christmas quilt top

Wendy finished her quilt - she chose to not add the flying geese to either side of the block column.

Holly added three extra blocks to her quilt top.

Final Bee Block for 2016!
We've been participating in a Bee Block all year long - and this month was the final month of show and tell. Jeanie and Yo were presented with their blocks:

Jeanie had requested half square triangle blocks:

Yo had requested a wave pattern:

Guild news
Would you like to be on the Guild Board for 2017? If so, let Ellen or Janine know. The Board members positions are: president, secretary, treasurer, member at large, swap committee chair, education committee chair and charity committee chair.

Show and Tell!

Kay made a Noodlehead Run-Around bag

Rachel made a mini pirate hook quilt for our friend Brooke.

Abby and Amy made Noodlehead Maker's Tote at a retreat.

Abby finished her quilt from the bee blocks she received in 2015 - the blocks are called raspberry kiss.

Holly's hedgehog quilt! It has a minky back.

Dana made this scrappy "Mad Farmer" quilt. It has a velvet center (pictured above) from a dress her mom made her when she was young.

Dana showed off a quilt that will be sent to Florida for the Pulse attack.

A monkey quilt Dana made.

Dorothy's brown squares quilt. 

Malinda, a visitor from the Warren County Quilt Guild, showed off this reversible bowl she made.

Education and A CHALLENGE! 
This year the National Modern Quilt is asking guilds to create charity quilts that play with scale. To learn more about the challenge, and see lots of inspiration for quilts that play with scale, click here.

For our scale challenge, we’re asking you to experiment with scale quilt design.

  • Create 3-4 or more different ideas for quilts that play with scale – you can sketch them on paper, make them on EQ7, or whatever process works for you.
  • Extra entry if you make your designs (extra entry for each design you make!)
  • At October’s meeting share your favorite designs with the group (if we have a lot of entries we’ll do small groups)
You are not required to use these ideas – but here are some ways to play with scale to get you started:

Zoom and Cropping:   try an ultra-close up or crop out parts of the block to see how it changes the feeling of the block

Different size blocks:  Use multiple sizes of the same or similar blocks 

Enlarge it:  How does making a quilt block or design really, really big change the feeling?

Make it Tiny:  Small can be interesting too! 

Contrast : Use a mix of very large and very small scale in your design

Layout:  Use a non-traditional layout to create a secondary design that plays with scale.
You can download Dana's Scale presentation here. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

August Meeting 2016

August 10, 2016
The Barn in Mariemont
Co-Presidents Janine Keaton and Ellen Berninger presiding


We held the QUILT OLYMPICS!   There were five "sports" and whichever team completed the sport heats the fastest won!

First up! Toss a rolled fat quarter into the bin! 

Then! Thread a needle the fastest!

Then rip out a seam! Do it neatly! 

Unspool a spool of thread the quickest! 

Finally, dig through a pile of scraps to find a particular piece of fabric!

Dig, dig, dig!

And the winners! They were crowned the QUILT OLYMPICS CHAMPIONS with beautiful gold awards. 

Logo refresh! 

We asked Guild members to design a new version of our logo, using new colors. 16 designs were submitted and members voted at the meeting for their favorite. We will be digitizing the logo so that we can use it to print stickers, badges, banners, etc. etc. 

Runner up was this color scheme from Holly.

The winner! This color scheme from Carol! 

Charity Update
Blocks for the Quilt Con Charity Quilt are due to Ellen ASAP. Here are a few blocks that were turned in at the meeting: 

Guild News
Would you like to be on the Guild Board for 2017? If so, let Ellen or Janine know. The Board members positions are: president, secretary, treasurer, member at large, swap committee chair, education committee chair and charity committee chair. 

Show and Tell

Wendy finished this quilt - blocks were made during 2015's Round Robin. The pattern is Crazy Star by Rashida Coleman Hale.

Janine made this bigger version of the same quilt! 

Christine showed her beautiful Quilt of Valor quilt - Holly did the top quilting. 

Holly finished the top quilting on this charity quilt. 

Kathy showed this baby quilt made with various square shapes and she used double gauze on the back. 

Kathy also showed this HST quilt. 

Kathy's grand-daughter Cecelia showed this quilt - she made it all herself (including the top quilting) and it won third place in the Butler County Fair.

Dorothy showed her finished 57 Quilt which she plans to submit to Quilt Con.

August Bee Block instructions - Hives ONE and TWO

August is the LAST MONTH for our Bee Blocks! 

For Hive ONE for August, Jeannie would like her bee members to make half square triangles. Jeanie would like you to make 18 HST with a scrappy look. 

She provided the following instructions: 

For Hive Two, Yo would like her hive members to use light, medium and cool colors (think ocean colors) to make a "wave" pattern. 

Yo provided the following instructions:


We are doing a Quilt Bee this year! Here's how it works: there are two bee hives. Each person in each hive gets a month. When it's your month, you show your block at the Guild Meeting, then the next month, your hive members bring completed blocks to you. You will probably get enough blocks to make an entire quilt top! 

The particulars: 
  • Your chosen block size should be between 12 inches and 15 inches.
  • If you want smaller blocks, you could request several small blocks that roughly equal one larger block.
  • Remember that skill levels vary among hive members. Challenging our skills and creativity is great, but, the block should still be attainable for novice quilters. 
  • You may request a specific color scheme.
  • If you would like a specific fabric or designer, you must supply the fabric.
  • If you miss a meeting, or you are unable to make the block, contact Queen Bee Annie
  • Use the hashtag #CMQGBee

During your bee month:
  • Before the Guild meeting, you will:
    • Type up instructions for your block. This should include size requirements, color scheme, and instructions on how to make the block. You can either create a tutorial yourself or link to a site that has a tutorial. Include a photo and/or color inspiration.
    • Email this information to Wendy (either the instructions and photos, or the link to your blog post containing the information). Please email the information the WEEK OF THE GUILD MEETING. 
    • At the Guild meeting, you'll bring your sample block and share with the group, plus give a quick overview of what you want.

During someone else's month:

  • You will receive an overview at the Guild meeting of the block you are to make.
  • The instructions for the blocks will be posted here on this blog.
  • Make the block(s) and bring to the next meeting!

Hive members:
There are two hives within our Guild. 

Hive One Members and their assigned months:
  • January - Janine
  • February - Amy T.
  • March - Abby
  • April - Christine
  • May - Tara
  • June - Becky
  • July - Shonna
  • August - Jeanie
Hive Two Members and their assigned months:
  • January - Ellen B.
  • February - Amy G.
  • March - Dorothy
  • April - Annie
  • May - Shonna
  • June - Janine
  • July - Carol
  • August - Yolanda 
Bee Angels: Janice and Dana