July 12, 2017
The Barn in Mariemont
President Abby Graham presiding
Happy July everyone! Have you
been soaking up the summer sun, or taking this opportunity to sew in the AC? Judging
by the turnout for show and tell this month, I think our CMQG quilters are
sewing away!
Guild News
Those who are interested in CMQG membership and don’t yet have a
membership, starting from July you receive a reduced rate of $20 (normally $40).
If you would like to join, please feel free to email the quilt guild or an
Don’t forget to work on your Iron Quilter Challenge projects! They are
due in October. We are looking forward to seeing what you created with old
blocks, unwanted fabrics and other treasures!
If you would like to pitch in and help set up for meetings or bring a
snack, please feel free to sign up with Abby, our president. We are always
looking for helpers to volunteer their time to set up tables/chairs and bring
The CMQG is planning to host a Makers Fair at the December meeting. The
idea is to come and enjoy refreshments while shopping for some of your peer’s
gorgeous quilts, bags and handmade trinkets! Makers price their items and
receive 70% of the profit with the CMQG receiving 30% as this will be a
Marianne Dress Class!
We have an exciting class coming to the CMQG! After several requests
for a garment class, we will be hosting the Marianne Dress Class (pattern by
Christine Haines). This class will cap at 20 people, so be sure to reserve your
spot ASAP. There is no cost to members, but will be a small fee for
Before the class we will hold a KNITS 101 class so that people can
become comfortable with their materials beforehand. This is a very versatile
pattern. You can create a shorter/longer dress, short sleeve, long sleeve and ¾
length sleeves!
Charity Project
The Crafty Cop based in New York City is excepting blocks for the
families of her fellow fallen officers. Abby, our president, found her request
on Instagram and she is receiving quite the turnout! She is accepting blocks,
as well as assistance with binding, quilting etc. If you feel compelled to send
batting, backing etc. for this cause, please feel free to do so.
She is requesting the Raspberry Kiss “X” block using an assortment of
blues for the “X” and low volume light colors for the background.
Follow the link below for instructions on the 12 ½ inch block from the Heritage
Threads blog.
Michelle will be shipping out blocks after our August meeting.
Quilt Con Charity Quilt 2018
We have started sign-ups for the Quilt Con Charity Quilt 2018 project.
If you have interest in being a chair member or just contributing, please feel
free to contact a guild officer. We are looking for quilt designs, people to
sew blocks, assemble the quilt, quilters and binders. We hope to have 3 leaders
to chair this project.
The quilt must be twin size (70x90 approx.) and use the 2018 theme “Modern Traditionalism”. The 2018 color palette is featured below.
The 2018 Quilt Con will be in Pasadena!
CMQG Hives 1 & 2
Hive 1
Check out the beautiful blocks that Elizabeth requested! We are loving
the scrappy modern look.
For August, Susan is requesting blocks like the Polaroid blocks. Please fussy cut modern fabrics to create a
picture image inside the white fabric. Susan provided a packet with
background fabric precut, so that everyone had matching background fabrics. Please
feel free to contact Susan is you need a packet, or need to know what to buy!
Please make 4 or more of these small blocks.
Hive 2
Erin had a great turnout for her charity dog block quilt! She is
looking for a volunteer to quilt this quilt, or offer suggestions on how to
quilt it. This quilt will be given to HART for charity.
Allie gave everyone a packet with fabric and instructions for a 12 ½ inch
(12 inch finished) block of their choice! Please use the Rifle Paper Co fabric
provided as the focal fabric, with coordinating colored fabrics in the block. Choose
any block you wish! If you are in Hive 2 and did not receive a packet, please look
at the fabrics below so you know what to purchase for this project.
July Swap- Notions Swap
Our members had loads of fun exchanging some of their favorite quilting
notions for this month’s swap. People received notions such as Thread Heaven,
wooden seam rollers, wonder clips, heat resistant finger pads, needles and
quilting gloves! Thank you to everyone who participated.
For our August swap, we ask you to bring 1 yard of quilt shop quality
modern fabric. We will have a cutting/ripping party. Everyone will go home with
several different prints and styles of fabric!
Show and Tell
Dorothy brought in her Bee Block quilt with even more progress!
Christine brought these adorable paper pieced phone blocks. One of the
projects is for her mother, and even has a sweet story behind it!
Here is Christine’s Homeward Bound quilt. Gorgeous and colorful.
Michelle brought a sweet Thanksgiving quilt. Her goal is to have a
quilt for every holiday!
Ellen brought donation quilts. She is a member off a quilting bee in
which they just make quilts for charity.
Lorna brought a lovely table runner using the Color Theory Challenge
from last month!
Lorna also brought this stunner with amazing modern color choices.
Kay showed a sweet HST baby quilt.

Yo brought her 'practice' cathedral window quilt. We all think it looked amazing!
Becky finished this Mickey Purse with just hours to spare before her
Disney vacation! That is perseverance!
Carrye brought her completed Bee Block quilt. Nice work Carrye!
Ginny brought baby quilts made for the neo natal unit at Good Samaritan,
as well as quilts with blocks made from panels!
Erin made this cuddly rag quilt for her daughter. Looks so cozy!
Abby blew us away! She has managed to complete several lovely modern projects
in the past month.
Amy brought a quilt for her Aunt’s 60
Birthday as well as
a bee block quilt!
Quilt-As-You-Go Education
Amy was kind enough to teach us some tips and tricks about the
technique quilt as you go. Here are some take-aways from this education.
Quilt as you go is a space saver because you won’t
have to maneuver a huge quilt all at once.
You can practice different quilt designs easier
because you won’t have to turn a large quilt constantly on your home machine.
Quilt as you go is great for applique because
you can sew the applique to the batting and backing at the same time for extra durability.
You can piece the block onto the batting using a
scrappy fold over method, or lay a completed block onto the batting/batting for
Typically for larger projects, you connect your
blocks by adding sashing in between them for connection.
Quilt as you go is great for baskets, bags,
zipper pouches and small projects also!
Quilt as you go is a scrap buster!
You can also use batting as your template for
cutting out a bag pattern by tracing the template onto the batting so that you
can plan your quilting easier. This makes quilting more effective, and gives
you more ways to be creative and instinctive.
Try your hand at Quilt As You Go
and bring it to the next meeting for a chance to win a prize!
We look forward to seeing you at
our next meeting on August 9