(from Amy): Try using yellow rubber dish gloves to help move your fabric as you machine quilt.
Next month's meeting will be on July 14th at 6:30.
There's a TON of info packe
d in here, so keep reading!!!!
The Cincinnati Modern Quilt Guild (CMQG)
met for the third time on June 9th, and I have to say, we had a fantastic time! If you don't know anything about us, we are a new group of "modern" quilters looking for friends, inspiration, a creati
ve outlet and a group of people to "oooh and ahhh
" over our finished (or partially finished) projects. We're a small group, but getting bigger all the time, and always looking for new members to come share our love of all-things-fabric.
Thank you!
A very special thanks goes out to Sue for hosting our June meeting at her lovely home and plying us with wine and hummus. Sue has super-g
raciously offered her home for future meetings, and we'll probably take her up on that! Another big thanks to Amy for the photos!
Attendance & Welcome!
There were eleven members at our last meeting, including two new members—a big welcome to Laura and Emily!!! Wednesday evenings seem to be a pretty good meeting time, so for the near-future, we'll keep holding our CMQG meetings once a month on Wednesday evenings.
Attendees: Heather, Gillian, Andie, Sue, Tara, Victoria, Kelly, Amy, Emily, Laura, and Amanda
Some business:
Gillian agreed to take on the treasurer duties for the guild. We will be holding an officers' meeting in the upcoming weeks to discuss more details of how the guild will run and function, so if you have any thoughts or suggestions regarding dues, events, web "stuff", etc. etc. etc., please let us know via this blog or our facebook page (link below). And even if you don't have a comment, be our friend! :-)
Website info:
On the website-front: Ning is going to become a pay-only site pretty soon, so we'll be closing our CMQG ning site pretty soon. This is the phase-out period! Start looking for all info regarding CMQG on this blogsite and our facebook page. If you don't have a facebook profile, never fear, don't despair! You can still see the posts without having a profile - you just won't be able to post anything yourself.
Charity involvement:
As a group, everyone seems very excited about doing some charity-quilting. Heather suggested two possible groups through which w
e can donate quilt blocks: Rainbow Around the Block is accepting 12 1/2" monochromatic patchwork squares for those who lost their homes in the Tennessee floods. CMQG will be donating blue/green blocks to this great cause throughout the summer. For more info, go to:
Know of something else we can get involved with? Let us know!
Once thing everyone wants is to learn new techniques, and we have a wealth of talented members who can be our teachers! Andie will be teaching the Strip-Twist Method at our July meeting, Amy will be giving a lesson on quilted placements in August, I'll be teaching a quick paper-piecing class in September, and Heather w
ill give a lesson on appliqué in October. Lots of exciting lessons coming up. Each will be pretty quick - no need to bring a sewing machine! Just gather around, soak the info in and get inspired! Because of these lessons, our meetings will start at 6:30 to give us a little extra time.
Fat Quarter Swap
There are a few of us (OK, it's ALL of us) who have a very small, very insignificant, very powerful fabric addiction. As Andie so hilariously put it, "It's my secret shame". Well, the secret's out—we love fabric and just can't get enough. SOOOO, our very awesome Quilt Guild will have a monthly FAT QUARTER SWAP! Woohoo!!! Very simply, take what you bring. Bring three fat quarters, take three fat quarte
rs. You get it. Swap away the fabric you don't like anymore or have no use for and take home pieces that someone else may hate but you absolutely love! and who cares - it's new fabric! :)
Tara would like something fun to do in Jul
y because July always kind of sucks. Any thoughts?
This is also about the point in the meeting where Tara tweeted about Quilt Dad, our celebrity hero, our crafty Brad Pitt.
Maybe he'll tweet about us. Quilt Dad - tweet about us, puh-lease!
Upcoming local classes
If you have any interest in dyeing your own fabric, there are two classes coming up this summer that will be amazing. In Fabric Dyeing 1, you will c
reate several shades of one color and mix colors to create a rainbow of fabrics. In Fabric Dyeing 2 you will create multicolor fabrics using a variety of techniques. Dyeing 1 isn't a p
re-requisite for Dyeing 2.
1 is June 27 or July 17, Dyeing 2 July 10 or June 22.
To sign up or for more information call or e-mail Barb at
Show and Tell
We had some amazing Show and Tell at this month's meeting! If you attend next month, make sure to bring something of your own - finished or not -to show us!
Heather finished a gorgeous wonky log cabin quilt with little owls that I think we all secretly wanted to steal when she wasn't looking. (Hopefully that wasn't just me . . .)
Tara made a super-cute wedding gift quilt for some friends (who hopefully won't stumble across this blog before the wedding) using Moda layer cakes.
Gillian brought in two awesome quilts that she needs some encouragement to finish up! The first was a Grandmother's Flower Garden and the second was an Amish inspired quilt featuring a Geisha-print fabric.
Amy (our fabulous photographer) showed us the panels she made for a baby quilt featuring the coveted Heather Ross Far Far Away Princess and the Pea fabric.
And I brought in an extremely bright print apron I made as a result of my current "apron-kick".
Block Swap
In other news, we exchanged our blocks from our very first BLOCK SWAP! This month, we swapped 9-patches made with only black, grey, white and citron prints/solids. They turned out awesome! Thanks for participating, everybody—they were all really cute and well made. Here's Victoria showing off her block for the swap:
Maybe next month someone will have a quilt put together with the results of the swap that we can show here.
Next month, we will be making Wonky Log Cabin blocks. Sign ups for this month are closed with 11 participants. Block instructions will be emailed to you directly
are on the Ning site and in the notes section on the Facebook page. Still looking for the best way to get this info out! If you signed up and don't have the instructions in your inbox by Tuesday, let me know. We do sign-ups for this event on a month to month basis, so check back here in early July to get in on it for the August swap!
Check out some of our amazing members' Etsy shops and blogs:
Also check out:
Interested in joining the CMQG? Contact us through this blog our through our facebook page for more details on our next meeting! Hope to see you there!
Happy Quilting!