What Is Modern Quilting?

The mission of the Cincinnati Modern Quilt Guild is to provide an atmosphere of fellowship for persons interested in the art and craft of modern quilt making by sharing of skills and knowledge.

There are other quilt guilds and creative groups in the city; our guild focuses exclusively on modern quilting. That's where we focus our education segments and that's what we share at show and tell.

What is modern quilting? The Modern Quilt Guild site says, "Modern quilters work in different styles and define modern quilting in different ways, but several characteristics often appear which may help identify a modern quilt. These include, but are not limited to: the use of bold colors and prints, high contrast and graphic areas of solid color, improvisational piecing, minimalism, expansive negative space, and alternate grid work. 'Modern traditionalism' or the updating of classic quilt designs is also often seen in modern quilting."

How do I know if my work is modern? If you made your piece with the intention of it being modern—using modern fabrics and/or the principles above—then we'd love to see it at one of our Guild meetings. If you're interested in learning how to make a piece more modern, just ask! Our members will have a variety of opinions to share.